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Two CBs on Show at Blast from the Past.
58camper - May 9th, 2010 at 09:43 AM

The Shoalhaven VW Club "Blast from the Past"event last Sunday was a great day and two CBs were ijn attendance out of the 90 or so vehicles on the day.
One vehicle was my Deep Bronze Green vehicle and the other one is owned by a Nowra businessman who picked the vehicle up for a song a couple of years ago. It required several new panels to be fabricated to remove copious quantities of rust and the leftovers of a severe hit down the drivers side. Neville was not a VW person but has had such a ball in restoring and now driving his CB he is quickly becoming a convert. There are a couple of other CBs around Nowra and I will start working on the owners in an effort to get these back on the road as well.

11CAB - May 9th, 2010 at 10:07 AM

Is that the best Pic you got?? I can barely make it out..... :P

58camper - May 9th, 2010 at 04:40 PM

My CB does not get out to shows very often so I thought I would not give much detail away. Seriously,try the attached. I did not take photos buit fortuneately some did.

11CAB - May 9th, 2010 at 05:35 PM

I hate seeing Country Buggies out & about....... reminds me that mine is sitting in the garage needing work..... :(