Just wanting people to post pics of cool looking bugs.
Ovals, L bugs, convertibles, rats it doesn't matter. Your own car or cool ones you've seen online.
Anything cool that can be used for inspiration.
If you're on Facebook then I follow a few pages/groups which have some cool pics good for inspiration.
Streetwise Aircooled Volkswagens - https://www.facebook.com/Streetwiseaircooledvolkswagens?ref=profile - pretty sure its run by a someone on here
Das Aircooled - https://www.facebook.com/dasaircooled?ref=profile
Aircooled TV - https://www.facebook.com/aircooledtv?ref=profile
The Any Model Air Cooled Volkswagen - https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Any-Model-Air-Cooled-Volkswagen-Page/300770233290544?ref=profile
I'm sure there are plenty of others.
you on Instagram?
No facebook and no instagram. Probably should get accounts I guess, it seems to be where everyone posts stuff these days.
Any good ones on instagram Empi?
Never got around to creating an account on that... but ppl keep telling me I should. It might sway my decision