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Ipswich VW mechanic?
Amiiria - June 22nd, 2009 at 06:58 PM

Hello everyone. I’ve just joined this forum and I’d appreciate some advice. I’m 16, currently a learner driver but able to get P plates in August, and I’ve got enough money from part time work to afford a decent beetle. We’ve seen a couple that are unsuitable, and have just found a really nice one that I’d like to buy. My Dad used to have beetle, so he knows a bit about all the things to look for before buying one, but he doesn’t know anything about mechanics. We’d like to get someone to check over the car before I buy it, as it’s at the top of my price range. Does anyone on the forum know of a VW mechanic in Ipswich who might be willing to look at the car for me? Or maybe a VW enthusiast who is happy to check it out? Of course, we’d be willing to pay for the time and trouble. I live in Brisbane Southside and don’t know anyone in Ispwich. I’d like to get the car checked as soon as possible (within the next day or two). It's a 1962, for reference. Can anyone please offer any suggestions? Thank you!

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, by the way. This seemed most suitable.

Amiiria - June 23rd, 2009 at 02:46 PM

STIDUB - Thanks for your PM, I can't reply back because the weird 5 post minimum. I found the beetle over the net. I'll try to look up the mechanic in Pound St, I'm hoping to finalise everything before the weekend. Thanks again!