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just bought 69 bug have few questions
jsheppard64 - August 10th, 2009 at 10:20 PM

hello peoples
i recently (yesterday) bought a 69 bug which had interior fire. i don't think anyone's guess would be too far from under the back seat where battery is. it wouldn't have been that bad if the person didn't have shit load of newspaper, garbage and junkmail behind the back seat

anyway it's missing front beam and rear drums, engine and gbox but it has sun roof. :cool:

the dude also throw in the spare chassis medium rust floor.

i wonder, if it's okay to make steel tube body and have all the lights and fibreglass moulding and everything like caterham or just pure steel tubes like Aerial Atom. using standard vw suspension and steering component. would it be registrable in SA?

i was also wondering. how hard is it to do an irs conversion? if i can't find swing axle gearbox. coz i have irs box somewhere in the shed

jsheppard64 - August 19th, 2009 at 10:53 PM

after a search around i found some info about irs conversion. it's not so nice. it involves making own jig
and buying an irs arm

i think instead of doing that i might just find a set of camber compensator. or maybe make my own. it could be challenging since you shouldn't weld springs (leaf spring i'm thinking to use)

as for the kit car plan.. i found some info about national code of practice. so much to read there. has anyone made and register road buggy? 

i couldn't find other that mention individually constructed vehicle in
i found registration form for street rod in SA here.

i just thought i answer my own thread and maybe people would correct me