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Project Lenny '70
lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 03:25 PM

On the 1st of July 2011 i bought my first car and it had to be a VW. It is a 1970 Bug ^_^... I love it! (set me back $1050) My dad has a 74' kombi but he rarely has time to do anything. So Over the last couple pf years ive had these dubs to play around with and so I've developed a small knowledge on vw's :) anyways Im still in school..year 12 now and since i bought it ive been working casually and have fixed him up how I wanted it with the money i have saved. I bought the gregorys manual and now it is my best friend. I got given a few beetle manuals for older bugs too All the interior is just what i thought looked cool and Ive drawn inspiration from google images and mags my uncle had :P Until now I wasnt really sure how to use this site but I worked it out so im going to post some pictures and see what people think :D I also have a love for woodwork so my panels and knobs etc are pretty much all wood haha :) I found that by using all the scrap timber and stuff and stuff i had at home i could not only have custom interior but also an interior that i know i made myself. I have had to get big jobs done by the local mechanic like brakes and hub seals (whatever they are) and after a good year of the car sitting in the driveway.. i was told the fuel tank had a hole in it that was filled with some sort of putty haha.. when the mechanic cleaned it out he said he could fit his thumb in the hole :P and so that got repaired luckily.

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 04:12 PM

Lennys trim, badge and chrome was all painted black from previous owner so i stripped the paint and got it lookin good again

from behind :P

early dash

Dirty backseat area (no rust luckily)

Flashtac - an attempt to reduce sound/vibration

Rustless Pan :D

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 04:25 PM

Engine Degreased

old seat (the other one was so much worse)

dirty Carb

Clean carb

the pile that grew much much bigger lol

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 04:31 PM

early photo of my door panel designs... they include chrome door handles, matching speakers and a silky smooth wax finish

new window sill rubbers/trim

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 04:43 PM

at this point...aka the day after i got him... I had no idea where to get clips so i made them... I learnt very quickly afterwards of where to get them haha... they were the first things i made for the car :lol:

snitz - October 6th, 2012 at 05:21 PM

Nice beetle..Your front seats,steering wheel,Air cleaner and decklid are not 1970 btw..They are later model.. :cool:

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by snitz
Nice beetle..Your front seats,steering wheel,Air cleaner and decklid are not 1970 btw..They are later model.. :cool:

Really? thanks for the notice!! and I have another steering wheel but wasnt sure whether it was the right one (ill post a picture) O_o..what air cleaner should i use? :crazy:

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 05:35 PM

heres the one i also have but it hasnt got a horn push and im not sure what other parts i need for it... it is just the ring and the sterring wheel itself :blush:

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 05:43 PM

:lol: im planning to get some atlas white wall inserts also :)

snitz - October 6th, 2012 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by lenny1870
heres the one i also have but it hasnt got a horn push and im not sure what other parts i need for it... it is just the ring and the sterring wheel itself :blush:

There should be 3 long screws with washers/springs and little nylon sleeves that fit on the screws shaft so that the horn ring is not earthed to the column until you push down on it.You should also have a centre cap with a retaining clip to hold it in the centre.

Joel - October 6th, 2012 at 06:56 PM

If your not fussed about looks stick with the 4 spoke steering wheel.
they swapped to that kind for safety reasons as those old one split your head open in accidents.

Same with the air filter, those later paper element type work just as well but are less maintaince than the old oil bath ones like yours had originally.

lenny1870 - October 6th, 2012 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by snitz
Originally posted by lenny1870
heres the one i also have but it hasnt got a horn push and im not sure what other parts i need for it... it is just the ring and the sterring wheel itself :blush:

There should be 3 long screws with washers/springs and little nylon sleeves that fit on the screws shaft so that the horn ring is not earthed to the column until you push down on it.You should also have a centre cap with a retaining clip to hold it in the centre.

sweet as! thanks snitz :D ill look into finding those bits and pieces because i do prefer the older style (or do you know where i could get them? )... it would match my interior better now either way :) i just wasnt sure whether it was right and It got given to me.

thanks Joel, I dont particular mind with the air filter..
I mean if it is just as good as the oil bath one ill leave it, but is there any other size air filters that would still do the same job that are less....bulky? haha It sounds fussy but i dont know why its soo large? I suppose its stock standard that big whatever shape?

lenny1870 - October 7th, 2012 at 08:08 PM

Side view - no matter how many clips i put in some parts of the keeps popping out...any suggestions? glue (i dont want to )

Dash 98.63% finished

SPeedo and dash custom panels

Back seat and the speaker shelf i made from scratch

front interior

the dash shelf i made

door cards finished

Joel - October 7th, 2012 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by lenny1870
thanks Joel, I dont particular mind with the air filter..
I mean if it is just as good as the oil bath one ill leave it, but is there any other size air filters that would still do the same job that are less....bulky? haha It sounds fussy but i dont know why its soo large? I suppose its stock standard that big whatever shape?

The stock oil bath ones are just as big and alien looking as the paper element ones.
Till you go twin carbs and detail the tinware VW engines aren't much to look at anyway so i wouldn't worry too much about the filter type.

You should make up a wood glovebox lid to match the rest.

Either a thin overlay over the top or replace it all together.
hinges are fairly simple design and a router can easily make a recess for the latch.

lenny1870 - October 7th, 2012 at 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Joel

The stock oil bath ones are just as big and alien looking as the paper element ones.
Till you go twin carbs and detail the tinware VW engines aren't much to look at anyway so i wouldn't worry too much about the filter type.

You should make up a wood glovebox lid to match the rest.

Either a thin overlay over the top or replace it all together.
hinges are fairly simple design and a router can easily make a recess for the latch.

cool thanks for the info :) ill probably just stick with the one ive got now then... although i do need to replace the paper element anyway so thats why i was curious O_o

i thought about the glove box lid and ive probably got some bits and pieces around that i could use but i did still want some original dash there so i might leave it for now... im not sure :P I was going to put a piece of the chrome trim across to match the doors...but i knew they stopped in 1970...any thoughts?

t_tuffnut - October 26th, 2012 at 06:45 PM

I agree with Joel - the wooden glove box lid would look great. And it is already non standard interior - maybe you could get a longer piece of chrome and cut it down? or snag a piece of an older style lid.

Also, you can get the screws and springs you need for the horn from Classic Vee Dub from memory - I think I got mine there ages ago. You can order online. They also have wooden look knobs for the dash and window winders if you were so inclined.

annosL - October 26th, 2012 at 08:28 PM

Lenny looks good in wood!

lenny1870 - November 1st, 2012 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by t_tuffnut
the wooden glove box lid would look great. And it is already non standard interior - maybe you could get a longer piece of chrome and cut it down? or snag a piece of an older style lid.

Also, you can get the screws and springs you need for the horn from Classic Vee Dub from memory - I think I got mine there ages ago. You can order online. They also have wooden look knobs for the dash and window winders if you were so inclined.

Alrighty then I might make one and if I like it, it can stay :D I have bits and pieces of trim laying around, Im sure i can whip up a strip just like i did with the doors!

Awesome ill also look on there... I think I bought some other stuff from those guys... not sure... Ill have a look thanks!

sander288 - November 2nd, 2012 at 11:03 AM

tiki shift knob would look awesome! Loving it; it's like a Hawaiian look instead of cal-look