Hi again guys,
I have come to the conclusion that my fuel tank in my '89 T25/3 has a lot of crap in it and is intermittently messing with my fuel delivery, I'm
changing filters about every 3 months (and are full of brown/orange misc) which helps for a little while. At sustained high revs or loads it will
splutter and loose power till I stop and then carry on.
Ideally I would like to just get a tank from Just Kampers and just swap them over, probably get a full reseal kit while I have it apart. I have read
a few mixed reports on the tanks and wonder if going to the trouble of cleaning the tank I have would be worthwhile?
Thoughts from those that have done it?
The tanks rust and that is the brown in the filter. I run a T3 for business which is driven every day as well as a few other dailys. I run a cleanable
pre filter and keep the tank above 1/4 and don't have to clean it too often, when it starts to lose power, that is the main filter becoming blocked.
Before i ran the pre filter, the dust used to go through the filter and block the injectors so i had to change the baskets in the injectors a few
time. As to now, i still have not cleaned or replaced a tank in any of my t3's. I clean the pre filter every month or so, depending on when the fuel
pump starts to make noise, and the main filter every 6 months or so.
You could do the KBS fuel tank sealer/paint kit, but after reading a few reports of this bubbling off the surface inside the tank, im refusing to do
this at this stage.
That's not a bad option kuch, though at this point I do have quite a few months up my sleave so pulling the tank was something I had time to do.