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Replacement seats for 1974 T2 Bay Window
ozwi - October 29th, 2015 at 07:49 PM

Hi, we've had our T2 for 5 years and are starting a full makeover. My first and biggest issue is the front seats that were fitted when we brought the van aren't the original's and were bolted to the floor without runners. Also all the VW seat rails have been removed.
My question is, what seats fit and are not too high and / or off centre? I've picked up from this forum that Proton Satria GTi fit, but these are now rare and hard to come by.
Any suggestions on a low profile seat that won't break the bank, bolt in with runners and are ADR approved?
Based on Southside of Brisbane.
Cheers Ozwi.

Bizarre - October 30th, 2015 at 07:40 PM

I am a big fan of the Proton Recaros. Used them twice now and paid about $700 a pair.
You want a seat that is no wider than 520mm and the rear of the seat base no more than say 75mm
Any seat out or another model or a Recaro is ADR approved.
Don't buy the ebay Recaro specials.

BMW 323 are a good choice.
So are Prelude and MX5

Bizarre - October 30th, 2015 at 08:43 PM

MX5 leather