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76 EFI - up in smoke
kazmattsas - February 23rd, 2011 at 05:24 PM

Well after much hard work to get our 76 bus perfect and some great help from all here ( MattBerry and others) - we had the worst case scenario happen.

6 months after finally getting through all of the issues, our bus had a fuel leak just after the fuel rail going into injector 4. We were traveling at the time, it was a real hot day and as soon as we stopped at a roundabout in traffic - the fuel ignited and it was game over.

We managed to save the kids and surfboards :-)

Thanks to loads of people around in cars and the help of a very cool tow truck driver we were able to extinguish the flames before it took the whole car.

So now I begin again looking for Any EFI parts that will help get the bus going again. At first I didn't think it was possible - but a mate that is eternally optimistic swears we can.

Apparently when we were getting out of the bus, I told my wife to film it on the phone - I don't remember it but she swears I did. So here is a little movie and a tribute to our bus - 

If there is anyone out there with EFI Parts - would love to hear from you

Oh and to add injury to insult - I let my shannons insurance expire a few months earlier !!!! (yep I know, I know ... )

Bizarre - February 23rd, 2011 at 06:25 PM

wow....................... sad day dude :td:

matberry - February 23rd, 2011 at 09:28 PM


Looks like you'll be able to fix her again. Good luck sourcing the bits.

Klaus - February 24th, 2011 at 08:26 PM

yeah lost a bus completely to fire . what efi bits you chasing?

kazmattsas - February 25th, 2011 at 07:06 AM

Hey Klaus
looking for
electrical wiring harness - 
I think the electrical resistor parts normally located on the back firewall left side
Fuel pump
charcoal canister - 
break booster houses
temp sensor - 
other bits like fuel hoses, leads etc i can grab easy enough

I'm sure there are things I have forgotten

Anyway - if anyone has an EFI parts draw - let me know


Rural Baja - February 27th, 2011 at 11:05 PM

Shit thats horrible mate.

Hopefully though the 76 can rise from the ashes! Hold in there and you will get there :tu:

frog - February 28th, 2011 at 07:26 AM

Where are you located?

Ollie - March 19th, 2011 at 05:13 PM

You'll have to call her the Phoenix once she's back on the road! Good luck mate

SlownLow - April 5th, 2011 at 02:45 PM

sad day... i'll be checking my fuel hoses tonight