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Spotted a Kombi with hazard lights on in Geelong
VolksVair - July 8th, 2011 at 02:22 PM

Spotted a Kombi with hazard lights on in Geelong
Then as I got closer, i could see one axle hanging sadley under the car. Stopped and said hello. Turns out the young fella only recently bought this lovely looking Kombi from Melbourne, paid big bucks for it, a roadworthy certificate was supplied and here he is, stranded. To cut a long story short, all the bolts fell out and turns out all the others are finger tight So I removed the axle so it could be towed, it now is in my workshop and I pointed out to the owner that the axle boots are torn, Handbrake doesn't work and the steering wheel is all cracked up and thats just from a 5 second glance I told him he needs to have a chat with the roadworthy fella to make things right. Over the next few days, when i get a chance, I shall wack this Kombi up on the hoist and make a list of other "Missed Items". The poor bloke is shattered, one funny thing, when i removed the axle, my hands were covered in grease, no rags to wipe my hands, then I remembered that earlier this morning whilst at Autobarn I spotted some cans of cheap degreaser so I grabbed a couple. Was this meant to be????
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helbus - July 9th, 2011 at 11:47 AM

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. It is a bit harsh that a RWC was supplied and so many things may be wrong with it.

VolksVair - July 9th, 2011 at 05:13 PM

Got the kombi up on the hoist today, replaced axle boots & some cv bolts, repacked the grease in the joints, noticed that the original knurled washers were missing so replaced them, adjusted up the rear brake shoes & adjusted the slack out of the hand brake cable, it now works like it should, then I spotted the stuffed front gear box mount. Everything else seems to be okay, the young fella got in touch with the seller, who said that he is sorry and that all shall be made right.
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