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Horn issues (Type 3)
DubEnthusiast - December 15th, 2013 at 07:52 PM

So i decided to work on my Horn (As it never worked since purchase). I found out that a bunch of parts were missing and the incorrect horn contact plate was used.

I called up Mick Motors and ordered a part (I described my situation and the blinker set up).

This is what i got up to. and there is no grounding on the body with that provided wire from the new plate. (Sparks and such).,7rokzAZ,wyZOJfp,EgsCESh,gAtHhCU,l5xMuUL,bb8TFe0,Ws1BJJn,TXPIl8l,cY0Xy0X,LKf4ql6,CUfRerV,d4HABkn,bc8ne8U,xXQ 4wEa,3xZfdaU,zxJdL2L#0

Pfeffernuss - December 25th, 2013 at 05:26 PM

Did this resolve the horn issue? It isn't clear in your thread above.
Great photos, very descriptive and helpful.