My 1970 Squareback just failed rego due to supposed worn upper control arm bushes.
I booked the car in with Andrew Dodd to replace them, but both he and I are having real trouble tracking down someone who can supply them.
I've tried all the usual suppliers, Vintage Veedub, Micks, etc. Even ISP West doesn't have them.
Any advice on where to track these down or even get some made up?
Thanks in advance.
I have replaced beetle inner and outer bearings with bronze bushes but it is an involved process, You might be better off to find a complete front end and fit that instead, you would have a good chance of finding one in serviceable condition rather than locate the required bearings as they are like rocking horse shi*, also the surface were the bearings run might be worn and fitting new bearings will not solve the problem so until the trailing arms are removed and inspected you will not know what course of action to take.
Thanks guys. Have contacted Cip1. Hopefully they can ship the parts quickly so I can get the car back on the road.
The drawing shows a beetle front end
and ask them
are the type 3 and beetle the same size ???
Spoke to the helpful guys at Cip1 late last night. Unfortunately they don't have the Type3 bushes, only Beetle and Kombi. They referred me back to ISP West who I've already tried. Seems I'm searching for unobtanium..... vw060 might be right, I might be better off searching for a whole new front end.
Until you dismantle the front end you have no idea what is wrong, at least if you buy another front end you can still drive the car until you acquire it.
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