hoi hoi, is type 3 beading easy to come by? can you use other beading.....my car currantly has beetle beading but isn't fitting too flashly. cheers
i dont believe the Type 3 flatshape beading is made anymore each piece was shape for the different guards so there wwas 4 different sections
You might be lucky and find some old stock other wise you will have to use the Bug beading
You can use a "T" section that is easily obtained at any Clark Rubber store it fits nicer than the beetle rounded section. Alternatively http://www.CIP1.com has a kit for type 3's about $70.00 U.S.
Bought my last Type3 'T' sections from Boris at Vintage VDub,beautiful fit and quality. The ones from clark Rubber is too big and looks awful, the scale of the ones from Boris is as close to the original.
Paul put the type from Clark Rubber onto my Fasty, i think it looks just as good!
thanks for your help guys
Painted the originals black on one side and used clark rubber ones on the other, can barley tell the diff. only the clark rubber dosn't sit very well.
try http://www.vwispwest.com (or pimpride on ebay)
or http://www.typethreedetectives.com
both have repros in black possibily white.
I had mine painted for my square--LOOKS great.