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Type 1 motor into Type 3
mackaymanx - November 29th, 2007 at 08:39 PM

I putting a mexican type 1 motor into my notch and I have some tinware and distributor questions. I got a '72 engine as a donor for externals but it had this style tinware(pic) under the RH cylinder and the normal deflector plate under the LH side. Which is the best to use as I don't want to pull the heads to change the deflector plates usless I have to ?

I want to use a SVDA distributor(113 905 205 Z) from a SBug but am worried about the timing on the #3 cylinder, I have a 1600 TL distributor (113 905 205 T) but the cam is baddly worn to the point of being usless.
Will I get overheat problems on #3 with the Z distriburor?

avwboy - December 2nd, 2007 at 12:05 PM

yes , you want to change the tinware

vw54 - December 2nd, 2007 at 04:15 PM

it should have the later deflector plates you have in the pic on both sides

you need to change them and have to pull the heads

your saying that theres 2 diffrent types of tinware under the cyclinders ???

buy a 009 dissy

mackaymanx - December 2nd, 2007 at 04:58 PM

I've pulled the heads and changed the tin(hmm never seen dished pistons in a vw before, I wonder what the C.R is on these?). Yes my donor motor had odd tin under the cylinders, but I got a matching piece. It took a bit of tweeking to get them to fit the 8mm head studs. Now I just have to drill for the studs and hole on the dipstick/filler tube.
I' ve got a 009 in my collection along with a scat(mallory)