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Driving me crazy
Asché - March 22nd, 2009 at 02:11 PM

Hi Guys,
Okay, not sure what to do now. I was driving my 69 fasty back from work on Thursday and all of a sudden she chugged and died. Drove onto a large island in the middle of the main road and got RACQ to tow me home (2nd time in 3 weeks). Opened her up and found that she kept pumping fuel into the right hand side carburetor even while the engine was off, and fuel kept spewing out the rear of the carbie out the seal of what i assume is a cutoff valve of some sort, but dont quote me on that. So I tightened up whatever it is, now the car wont kick over at all, just bellows out a heap of black smoke and keeps backfiring. I'm new at this volkswagen stuff and not completely sure on names or what is supposed to go where.

I purchased "how to keep your volkswagen alive" but am still kinda stuck with the learning curve. Not to mention I cant find any info in there on backfiring, :grind:

Any help on this problem would be great
Thanks guys

Midlife crisis - March 22nd, 2009 at 02:56 PM


Sounds like the needle and seat/ float in the carby may have a problem which is allowing the fuel to keep going intoo the carby when the bowl is full.

take the top of the carby off and clean the needle and seat may have some dirt in it and check that the float is ok by putting some petrol in a container and see if it floats


Asché - March 23rd, 2009 at 12:22 PM

Yup seems that solved the problem mate :)
Needle was a little grimey, and kinda stickin a little, but she's all fine now.
Thanks a lot mate