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a win for us type 3 boys and girls
MaD HoUsE - March 8th, 2011 at 04:03 PM

so i was on my way home from work friday night when i noticed i had some how merged into a group of old fifties and sixties american muscel cars. i thought what the hell and followed them into what was the last stop on there cruise. when i pulled in i noticed there were litterally hundreds of old american muscel and i stuck out like a pedifile at a playground but none the less i pulled in to check them out. initually i heard a few comments being said under people breath about my car as i pulled up but i didnt let it faze me an got out to look around. When i returned i found my car had drawn a crowd and even had ppl taking photos of it. Now my car is far from the coolest thing on the block but i have put a fair bit of doe into it so it was nice to have it appreciated. then i felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned to see Paul Zipple who runs some of the biggest cruises in sa and get this he told me "son your car is a fine example of a classic car, i was even considering getting one myself" then i spent a good 20 minutes answering questions and receiving compliments from guys who normally turn there back on anything thats not from the states. just thought id share, i took it as a big compliment to the type 3.

scot70wagon - March 8th, 2011 at 07:47 PM

good on ya mate. people always seem to appreciate a nice type 3, although you spend most of your time explaining what the hell it is as most people think its a funny looking beetle wagon.

vlad01 - March 8th, 2011 at 08:08 PM

should of seen how many people turned to look at my notch as i gave it a lil cruse around my home town of Kyneton when I brought it back from NSW.

The colour, the shape, the racing stripes :tu::yes: Its just Holden Toyota and Fords here, so you can imagine the spectacle

cruiser - March 10th, 2011 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by scot70wagon
good on ya mate. people always seem to appreciate a nice type 3, although you spend most of your time explaining what the hell it is as most people think its a funny looking beetle wagon.

Everybody loves a beetle wagen.:dork: