Ok so all you purists close your ears, for non-purists this solution may help. I purchased a Ghia 90% complete hehehe gets me every time, i think i
have had to undo about 40% already. the body work was all done and sprayed but for some strange reason the headlight bucket clips were not fixed and
basically broke off when i fitted the headlights, rather than weld in new ones and respray, like i haven’t got enough to do already, i came up with
this solution. We have lots of these Ikea brackets lying around the ones you screw the bookshelves to the walls. Just cut off and screw into the
bucket, short screw so you don’t pop through the top of the fender, that would be sad. You get heaps of forward and backward adjustment and it also
acts as a sort of spring so if it is slightly too high will bend down out of the way, ideally i think it is supposed something like 5mm back from the
fender and 6mm up, but i just guessed and worked fine.
having trouble posting pics so if they dont come through give me a few days and i'll set up a photobucket account