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Importing and what you went through with Customs and AQIS
penguin - February 5th, 2018 at 09:09 PM

We are looking at finally bringing out our two dubs from the USofA. What I am curious of is some data from anyone who has bought out any cars from the States lately (or anywhere really).
Who did you use to import, Where did you depart from the US, Who did your cleaning, Who did your asbestos check, and how did it go coming through at our end?

HappyDaze - February 6th, 2018 at 06:55 AM

Only just read a warning about under-body sound deadeners/sealers...apparently they contain asbestos. This could be a real nightmare to remove, so beware!

Yogie - February 6th, 2018 at 07:32 AM

Hi Penguin,
Our import was over 10 years ago now but all I can say is, make them as clean as you possibly can. Get every leaf and nut and any nests out before it leaves there. Our ghia had all of that in it and when it got here, all they did was get out a pressure cleaner and hosed the whole car out, both inside and outside. Fortunately ours was a project but you don't want that to happen to yours. If you can, put them in a container as well after having them cleaned thoroughly.

Also, make sure you get all of the approvals before you put them on a boat.


penguin - February 7th, 2018 at 09:02 PM

Ta muchly. We are looking at container shipping for both of them. One agent has included asbestos testing etc and cleaning, others havent. Will be interesting but am chatting to one guy using one agent I was investigating.

1303Steve - February 9th, 2018 at 07:46 AM

Have a talk to Rose and Ian they have been bringing in old trucks for the US for a while