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Vee Dub Videos
Bizarre - September 5th, 2002 at 04:26 PM

a 2332 turbo Vs Camaro

[Edited on 5-9-2002 by blue74l]

Bizarre - September 5th, 2002 at 04:37 PM

Aahhh the is something wrong with the links. It should be the whole address just type it in - i cant fix it

Here are a few more. You will probally have to cut and paste them :mad:

vanderaj - September 5th, 2002 at 05:42 PM

These cars must be the pinnacle of the "weight" bit of power to weight... Mr Chapman's cars, excluded of course.

Is that first bug in the 10 s drag actually road registered? Scary!


Bizarre - September 5th, 2002 at 07:59 PM

The V Force boys have a road registered bug that would come bloody close to a 10 sec pass.
Its a 2.3L T1 turbo.......looks like a real sleeper.

Che Castro - September 5th, 2002 at 11:08 PM

hehe that lime green one? mmm it has 20k worth of stuff in it under the decklid apparently, a lot of it berg. hmmmm. I would love to see Joe's dark green 2.8L Type IV one go as well :D

hey is there a page to go with those vid's? i'd like to know what was in them. Hey what was that vertical puff of smoke that came out behind the rear window in one of the vids after the guy opens the decklid?

[Edited on 5-9-2002 by Che Castro]

jenz58 - September 6th, 2002 at 10:43 AM

Won't tell Bel about that first bug, she can get to 100 km ph only with a gale force tail wind:D

Bizarre - September 6th, 2002 at 10:53 AM

Now Jenz,
You are going to have to tell Bel about steroids sooner or later. I mean you cant hide the naughty bits from her for all of her life :P