hey guys ..:P
lol i thought i would finally stop being so lazy and post some pics of my bug..these pics arnt that good..but there still something right lol
well there you go everyone
I like it!...Alot...
But then I could just be biased on the basis of colour
lol leave my bug alone
nice ride
hi i like the colour of ya bug, but why is it so high in the rear?are you gonna lower it a bit?nice ride anyway
i have no idea why it is so high..i thought maybe it was just me..but obvisiouly its not..i think the people that had it b4 me did something..cause it is rather high
super bugs are very susceptible to chronic arse sag.
a previous owner probobly fitted new torsion rubbers and raised it a spline to compensate.
would be easy to lower the rear to match the front.
the effect is exagerrated by the smaller wheels and lower profile tyres leaving more gap between the guards and tyres.
nice ride tho:bounce
love the colour.
the car is cool too
Beautiful colour!
heheh thanks guys
slam it
looks good
now that's impressive - well done on a sweet ride
buy another cheapie bug, get your dad to "practise" on that one.....then let him do yours while you drive his first attempt around....LOL!!
sweet machine..
lol argh yes thats what he wants to do ..so im looking for another bug now lol..its not that hes not good at building cars he is rather good..i just dont wanna loose the colour of my car:cry because the people who had it b4 me kinda dodged the paint work..u can still see red underneath the purple:cry
there u go guys
sum more pics..
yeah, my paintwork wasn't done right either and there are rust bubbles coming up in places
Make sure he makes it purple again!! LOL!
Does she have a name?
She's gotta have a name... I have an L bug too, her name is Mildred! She's not on the road at the moment, as she's being painted at her beauty
salon, candy apple pink!
Dad took her off the road to fix her up, cos she had rust and a dodgy paint job, and that was over 3 years ago!!!! Once your dad starts, he'll keep
finding stuff that needs to be done... it becomes an obsession!
But i'll have Mildred back in about a month (*crosses fingers and toes*), and i'll send you some photos with an extremely happy me next to her!!!
Ash x
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some random pics i've had for a while
sweet ass colour your bug has there Jess.
think she needs the full German Euro look happening though:P
she does have a rather hot colour doesnt she
even better when she gets restored
Cool car, supers and L bugs are growing on me everyday, especially when they have monster type 4 engines with the full german look happening. Mad colour too.
wellll guys jasmine is no longer..today has been the most shittest day ever..i no longer have a car.. my baby is no doubt will be written off due to
it wanting to go through my house ..my handbreak and everything gave way and went through my garage just after i finished taking photos of it on my
driveway..went to sit in it ..was in sitting sideways just putting my stuff into my car..my car wasnt even running went to move to drive it in the
garage next minute i know im heading for the garage..i only had enough time to get my legs inside the door..if i didnt i would no longer be walking ..
my front end is all smashed..guards and everything F*****... extremely dangerous to be driven..im assuming the insurance company will write it off on
monday or when ever..more worried about the house at the moment..i will probably buy it back and re-build it..or buy another one and start my
restoration...i dont even have a room to live in because the wall in front of the garage is my room and everything in my room is F***** as well..
everythings smashed..bent..broken you name it is all gone..
its aggrivating me that my car is still here and its all hurt ..no lights or indicaters or my windscreens where broken..just mainly my front end..i
cant even get my head deck on my sterio out its all sunken in..
as bad as it feels now...its is better to have u able to walk talk and type...
houses and cars can get fixed...i knwo its is heartbreaking....since jasmine was ur pride and joy...but baby girl, honestly...we here would be more
hear broken had we heard u were harmed in any way.
And if they write off Jasmine...we will all come to her funeral and bury her in flowers....then make Jace fix her properly the week after.
PS: if u need a good smash repairer for a classic car...i found one down the road from where I work.
hey jess that realy sucks :crybut if you need any help rebuilding it or finding another/ parts let us all know and we will all help.
Baby Girl,
I love you so much, and im so upset to hear about Jasmine! I'm happy that you are okay babe, as you're one of the most important things to me! Donna
is right, cars and houses can be easily fixed, best friends cant! If it means i have to come over there to do what ever i can, YOU KNOW I WILL!!!
I'm so glad you weren't hurt, and im here when you need me!
Love Always,
Ash xoxo
jess... what can i say? usually its words that come to me the quickest... but this is something so upsetting that even the written word escapes me.
you must be devastated, beyond devastaed. i can only wish i can take some of the pain away somehow.
im just so glad you weren't hurt. but the loss of jasmine will be felt for a long while.
I'm here for you if you ever needed support, as we all are. i can offer my sympathies, and a shoulder to cry on.
your friends are here sweetheart.