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Kombi parts in & around Toowoomba & conversion advice!
ricksta - March 24th, 2011 at 11:01 PM

I'm now the proud owner of 4 kombi vans! I've never had them b4 so m very new 2 the scene! I am basically after any advice around the best, cheapest and most reliable conversion 4 a Kombi and if any1 knows any1 that does conversions in Toowoomba. I'm also after a few little bits and pieces I picked up the 4 kombi's from a paddock north-east of Oakey near Toowoomba (2 microbuses, a van and a camper) they are all lowlights but are in differing states of repair! If any1 knows anything about kombi's in and around the Toowoomba area I would love 2 hear from you -
I also have a baja bug kit (2 guards, bonnet n front n back bumpers) how much are they worth? They are in VGC and no use 2 me!

auditwmba - March 25th, 2011 at 12:00 PM

Firstly welcome ricksta,

The best person to contact in Toowoomba is Alex aka

He'll will be able to help with any of your issues.



flashrx2 - May 23rd, 2012 at 06:20 PM

if ya need any help with panel and paint giv me a yell, i am in gatton.

tar76 - May 23rd, 2012 at 06:42 PM

Welcome, as said get onto to Alec he is local to you and always has something your after.