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Rust Advice?
Mooka91 - September 1st, 2011 at 06:13 PM

Hey all,

I'm new to the whole VW scene and this site. I originally picked up my VW to simply covert in to an off road dune buggy, Thinking about it i decided to do a BAJA so i could still do some sick dune climbing and still get it road registered, Then i realized i have my Hilux for that anyway but still love the look of the BAJA, So i decided I wanted a street BAJA!

Anyways, Picked up the car for less then $1000, Been sitting in the weather for around 2 years, Was last registered in '03. I knew i was going to have to outlay some money for floor pans and heater channels when i first bought it but it seems the more i pull apart the more rust i find! The engine runs fine, Got it going after about 15 minutes of playing around with it (Suprised me :crazy: ).

Anyways, My question is, Under the opinion of the VW gods here, What kind of money will i be looking at to get the rust done on my car?

The album of photos is here: 

And below this line are all the photos in the album!


waveman1500 - September 1st, 2011 at 06:50 PM

If you can't repair the rust yourself and you want it all done properly, then it would be cheaper to scrap it for parts and buy a better car.

Mooka91 - September 1st, 2011 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by waveman1500
If you can't repair the rust yourself and you want it all done properly, then it would be cheaper to scrap it for parts and buy a better car.

Figured as much. Cheers.

helbus - September 1st, 2011 at 08:50 PM

In all honesty, I would look for a better car to start with. I restore cars, and I would not do the work required on that shell on my own car. I would get another one.

Then again, maybe I suffer from the affliction where labour and trades people don't do their own work. Panel beaters have rusty cars, Lawn mowers have overgrown lawns etc.

68AutoBug - September 2nd, 2011 at 07:51 AM

That is serious Rust in An Australian beetle....


I would also find another one...

there are still heaps of cars from the drier parts of Australia,

What We can is VERY BAD... what We cannot see is probably just as bad????

IMHO..... is too badly rusted to restore...
if it were in the UK... Yes but in Australia NO..
