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Early beige beetle - Springvale Rd
vw_mistress - September 17th, 2003 at 01:28 PM

I saw this beetle on Monday morning at about 10am, near Cantebury. It had an aussieveedubbers sticker and all.....
so who was it?!


kombi_mad - September 18th, 2003 at 01:53 PM

waas there a blow up passenger in the front seat?..if so, that was me.

split-uterus - September 23rd, 2003 at 01:01 AM

Hey Kombi_Mad.
That was my boyfriend driving that car and if hes running around with another blow up woman, latex, carbon fibre or other wise, then I wanna know about it.

...VW_mistress...Did you get the rego?


vw_mistress - September 23rd, 2003 at 05:26 PM

I didn't catch the rego - there were two lanes of traffic between us & he/she was turning ....

there weren't any passengers either... latex or otherwise...

it's a mystery