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tonyg - December 2nd, 2003 at 06:07 AM

Wes, have you thought about making a home made dynomometer? Rollers hooked to waterpump, hooked to dam, with a bloody big stopcock on outlet back to the dam? Calibrating would be a bitch altho a large pressure gauge might work. Maybe use for comparison only? thoughts?
tony g

Baja Wes - December 2nd, 2003 at 10:47 AM

I have thought about it, but figured it's easier just to pay the money and get a dyno shop to do the work.

We had similar dyno's at Uni. There was one water pump one, where the pump could rotate. You then put weights on the torque arm of the pump until the pump sat in a neutral position. Add up the weights, multiply by the torque arm length and you have the torque. The prob is it's a very slow process. You have to manually set the pump and/or weights at every rpm increment. All too hard really :)