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Notched springplates
Mad Manx - March 23rd, 2004 at 06:57 PM

I want a quick fix ride height increase untill I can spend the time doing an IRS conversion. At the moment I have a '65 swing axle rear end and want a bit more height from that.

What are the pros/cons of notching my spring plates to achieve more height and what is the max cv angle for swing axle?
thanks Travin:thumb

ibmoknegawsklov - March 24th, 2004 at 07:58 AM

you might start to make it real unstable raising the swing axle up that far with so much positive camber. Perhaps taller tyres might be a better option.

MikeM - March 24th, 2004 at 09:26 AM

Don't do it. If anything you should reduce the travel on a swingaxle, especially if you plan to drive it hard (sideways) in the sand or soft dirt.

It is a good idea to install swing plate retaining straps with a new 1/4" higher bump stop to acheive this.

Brad - March 24th, 2004 at 09:28 AM

swing axles don't have CV's so that is not an issue.

Do not notch your spring plates on a Swing Axle setup...... you will get to much camber on the rear wheels and end up on your roof. The stock spring plates are fine and will stop you doing something silly with your rear end.

Mad Manx - March 24th, 2004 at 05:57 PM

Thanks guys- I'm not usually dodgy but I don't have the time or resources
needed to do an IRS conv. at the moment and thought this might be an option. As I want to stay shiney side up I think I'll leave it as is for the moment..... thanks- Travin.