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Reaching a Fair Price?
The_Bronze. - March 26th, 2004 at 05:04 AM

Hi Guys,

Through searching out an owner of an Auto Type 2 for it's autobox I soon found out she had a back yard of other beetles, and kombis which she want to be rid of. There were apparently her Ex's and I'm not sure if she is going to consult with him before selling.

Anyhow - There are three kombis all up - I'm only interested in the one with the auto box and an engine from another. There is also an old Baja with some gofast bits (Guages, senders, allow pully, mounted alternatorand good seats)along with another beatle which dosen't interest me. All up 5 vehicles, two type 1's and theee type 2's. All scavenged except the Baja.

I'm happy to take the lot if she will consider a fair price but really only want the Baja and the Auto type 2. In my eyes I'm happy to pay about $500 as none would get near rego and need to be sold off or scrapped. She said she was going to talk to a family friend about them and consider a price. I will need to transport each vehicle away to here which will add up to about $400 as well. Almost a grand for 5 part cars and each only worth the parts they have left.

Is $500 for parts, rims, seats, nicknacks and autobox fair?
How should I go about the negotiation?
Will my wife divorce me?
Do i still need to REV's check them?
Do I need to get into who actually owns them?
What is the best way to reach a fair price?

ducky - March 29th, 2004 at 08:16 PM

that's hard to say man, to be sure prob would. at very least get her to sign them over by saying sold : as is where is, unencumbered etc

wacked1 - March 29th, 2004 at 09:07 PM

if you were going to register any of the vehicles, which you were not but just say you were would definitely have them rev checked even if you only just the engine block, if it is encumbered or is stolen it will be taken off you. Once when I was young and dumb had one taken off me. Even if you are only going to sell the parts I still would have them checked as they might be hotttt you could get nabbed and don’t want to be caught selling stolen property. Remember it’s better to err on the side of caution. And always get it checked.
Will your wife divorce you ?? I don’t know but with all those VW’s we could hook up, I would be using you for your cars you know! no sex would be involved so might not be such a good deal for you

The_Bronze. - April 1st, 2004 at 08:40 PM

Cheers Guys.

Will give her another call this weekend and find out what the story is. I will take down each vehicles details and have a revs check done to be sure. I doubt any are registerable but if I can sell them on I will and don't want to dud any one. Still not sure on how to neg a price though. I don't want to pay top dollar and of course she will want to get what they are worth (if they could be reg I suppose).
