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New Dash for '93 Golf Cabrio
Clockworkoranje - August 7th, 2007 at 12:08 PM

Hi there, I am trying to find part of the dash for my 93 Golf Cabrio. The monkey who owned my car before me broke the surrounds and the clear cockpit (binocle?) plastic when putting in a crappy tape deck which I replaced with the current Pioneer.

Anywhere in Aus where I might be able to find this?

First piccie shows cracked surround which has been reglued. You can see split to the left and above the stereo.

Second pic is the cockpit plastic with a nasty split down the middle which has also been half-assedly glued back together.

Pic 3 is right side of the dash where its cracked around the screw area.

[ Edited on 7-8-2007 by Clockworkoranje ]

[ Edited on 7-8-2007 by Clockworkoranje ]

[ Edited on 7-8-2007 by Clockworkoranje ]