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grogy - November 24th, 2011 at 11:41 AM

hi, who has tried this product. they have xtreme, lightweight. also other brands less expensive. any recommendations. i am doin my k ghia. thanks greg

acemarc - November 24th, 2011 at 02:05 PM

Here's an idea of what to put in.( See picture) By doing the roof with extreme and Dynaliner it helps to cut down the heat. Dynapad helps to absorb the low frequency sounds from the exhaust. Foam underlay works for that too but nowhere near as well.
Why does it cost more?
Why does Berg cost more than EMPI?

Red Kev - November 24th, 2011 at 06:12 PM

Yep, have used Dynamaat Extreme on every inner surface of my bus. Sensational. Doors close with a thud rather than a clang; knocking on the roof sounds like a pok rather than a phwong. Dunno about the other Dyna products that acemarc mentioned, but if you can afford it (It's not cheap), do it. Don't quote me, but I've heard that even covering a third of inner surfaces -- like in strips, I guess -- makes a significant difference. Stereo sounds better, too. And my two-year-old doesn't freak out with the engine noise. And it's cooler. And chicks dig it.

acemarc - November 24th, 2011 at 10:31 PM

Yes, Red Kev. 25% of Dynamat extreme will kill panel resonance but the more you put on the better it will work, especially at blocking heat.