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4 country buggies together at KlubFest
11CAB - June 14th, 2009 at 04:20 PM

Was good to see 4 country buggies together in the same place.

KO 506, 471, 775 & 522 all got together at KlubFest on the Gold Coast today.

58camper - June 14th, 2009 at 08:02 PM

That is an excellent result. I doubt if there has been 4 CBs together for many years now. I recall an early 90's Valla where there were 4 CBs, none of the ones at KlubFest.
Well done to all for the effort.

11CAB - June 14th, 2009 at 08:51 PM

That sounds like a challenge for Valla next year.... lets see how many CB's we can get together there. Surely we can beat 4

Yogie - June 15th, 2009 at 08:15 AM

It was great to see. The hard top on the one at the far left was really well done and the green one was fantastic. I looked at the green one over in the camping area before it moved in with the others. There was dew all over it and steam coming off the top and windscreen as the sun was heating it up. I thought of taking a photo of it then but figured it wouldn't show up. It is one complete car.
