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Production Plate
brisbanefastback - July 25th, 2007 at 01:49 PM

I saw this website the other day and was interested in finding out a little more about my '70 fastback: 

I cant seem to find a production plate... the chasis plate is there behind the spare tyre, and also the sticker with the paint code, but was hoping to be able to work out the cars birthday!

Did they not include production plates on the aussie vdubs?

vw54 - July 25th, 2007 at 02:06 PM

Aussie VWs didnt have the month n year untill about early 71

1303Steve - July 25th, 2007 at 02:23 PM

^ and then it was an ADR (Australian Design Rule) which had nothing to do with VW.

lulu94 - August 28th, 2007 at 03:15 PM

on the spare parts type 3, which is a 9/70 model squareback, there is the compliance plate on the right side of the wheel well (left as you look at it)

on the left side, there is something very similar to a production plate, although it l;ooks fairly different to the pic on the page, same size, doesnt have the paint code on the end, and the production numbers are in two groups with no dashes, 362 1959 which according to the page 36-2 means tuesday of the 36th week, which sounds about right for a 9th month build date to me.

BTW ryan here (Rota_Motor), too much effort to log out and log back in. dont come on here that often.

[ Edited on 28-8-2007 by lulu94 ]