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[ Total Views: 598 | Total Replies: -2 | Thread Id: 21187 ]
Author: Subject: lonesome kombi
A.k.a.: Nicko McKay
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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smile.gif posted on April 6th, 2004 at 06:01 PM
lonesome kombi

about a 10 minute drive from where i live is a heavily faded green bay kombi parked on the side of the road (i live in the sticks so its not ratted though its been there for about 5 days)...its not in the best condition and obviously it has broken down and the owner has left it there.......i had a closer look at it no kombi expert but i think it has a 1800...single has a steering wheel lock on it but if its still ther in a few days i think i might leave a note on the windscreen asking if he would like to sell it......ive been thinking lately about getting a kombi.....i would never just take it cause obviously thats theft but i would by it if he only wanted to part with it for cheap..........its not someone on the forum is it?.......behine cooroy on the belli creek road:cool:

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