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Author: Subject: full restoration?
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The Itch Itcher

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posted on June 25th, 2004 at 11:10 AM
full restoration?

hey. beetle has some rust which is apparent. but not visible. (so i hav been told). i was thinking of getting new spray job done but the panel beater told me a full restoration was the only thing he would really want to do to it?. i was wondering what a good restorer in Perth is and also what i can expect to pay for a restoration?. not show quality but daily driver. and also. would it be feesable to sand back the whole car myself?. and remove the panels myself in order to save some costs?


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posted on June 25th, 2004 at 11:18 AM

Have a look at the posts at the top of the Paint & Body section and you will see quite a bit of info regarding a beetle respray. For a job like what you describe, expect to pay around $3000. You will save yourself maybe $500 by removing and refitting yourself.

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posted on June 25th, 2004 at 07:43 PM

If you look at having someone else do a full restoration...and a good one....except to pay way more than mentioned here...

It's amazing how a job can get bigger and bigger as they take things apart and even just get belong the paint...There may be sins no one is aware of under there..:(

But then you may be lucky...but from what I'm paying...I'd say you'd still be paying more than $3000 for it....This would only cover a fairly basic respray...not much body work if you need it....

Once you get to a certain stage there is no return.....

For me I had no way of doing it myself......the resto is costing well over any returns I could ever expect if I wanted to sell...

Go around and get quotes...and let them know what the maximum amount is that you're willing to pay...Weigh up your options

Find other Dubbers over there in WA who are happy to come and have a look for you...get their opinion

There are plenty of guys here doing it I'm sure you can get a lot of feedback from them on it all...

Other costs include new rubbers...if you're taking the beetle may as well do this if they are getting dodgy...cos I'm sure you're not wanting to take things apart in 1-2 years time...Do it all at the time you paint is my suggestion..

Good luck!!:)

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posted on June 27th, 2004 at 03:47 PM

Sorry Jenz & Superbug71

I read what I wrote again, and what I was meaning to convey was that a full respray like what I posted you would expect to pay $3000.

Yes Jen I agree a 'restoration' as in full bare metal and all rust done etc, expect to pay between $5000- $8000, and even more if you are getting extra work like sunroof installed :)

Definitley expect more again if you are replacing rubbers and glass, interior etc.

Some full resto's are costing up to $20,000.

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