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[ Total Views: 573 | Total Replies: -1 | Thread Id: 25458 ]
Author: Subject: Tips on removing exteriour aluminum deluxe trim without damaging prior to...
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posted on July 3rd, 2004 at 07:26 PM
Tips on removing exteriour aluminum deluxe trim without damaging prior to respray-help

since i have discovered that finding new exterior deluxe trim for 70 kombi is difficult(understatement) i want to make sure that they are not damaged as i plan to have them polished by a metal worker. It looks as though the may have had some type of glue/adhesive used in the past to keep them on, did they originally have glue on them. and by the way, i know its not the correct thread to ask this, but what about finding the clips that attach to the body of the car that the trim clicks into, can they be made by a tradesperson and who would i get intouch with do this?
Wolfsburg Wizard

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posted on July 3rd, 2004 at 08:00 PM

no glue originally, just nifty wee clips. if you put a small screwdriver under the trim you can pry it out a coupla mm and work out where the clips are, then sring it off. the curved bits on the rear corners are a bit tricky so take care not to warp them. good luck.............

and not wanting to be pedantic, but they are stainless steel. not cheapo al!

[Edited on 3-7-2004 by Dubnut]


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