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[ Total Views: 601 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 44044 ]
Author: Subject: Wiring fault or crank angle sensor?
Memberpete wood
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question.gif posted on September 20th, 2005 at 10:26 PM
Wiring fault or crank angle sensor?

I am having an intermitant fault with my EJ25 such that it will not start sometimes. Some time ago, I thought I had fixed it by installing a NEW ecu power relay. However, the problem has surfaced again.

Here is how it goes...
One minute its all fine and runs normally.
You stop the engine.
You turn the motor over and it turns fine, no fault light, but it will NOT fire.
Some time later it fires after I have checked the spark plug cables for spark or jingled any one of a number of wires.

I am beginning to think it might be an issue with the crank angle sensor. Are these problems for subarus?

Alternatively, it could be a wiring fault. Do you think this is more likely?

Any ideas?

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posted on September 20th, 2005 at 10:33 PM

yes I have seen this Pete ,you may should get the motor running and run down the wires with a set of pliers ( gently ) evry 8mm to see if you find the fault m ay be a damaged wire .I have seen many found this way now .

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