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Author: Subject: Wibble's hybrid engine
A.k.a.: Ian


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posted on October 12th, 2005 at 09:33 PM

So here's the latest update. The timing belt system is mostly sorted out.

The latest engineering challange is that i've outsmarted myself by going to an engine case that uses 10mm head studs. This means the grade 12 high tensile head stud bolts I was going to use have heads that are too big, and they don't allow the barrels to slide on through the stud adapter plates due to bolt head interference. The barrels will fit if I am able to machine 1mm off the outside of the bolts, but how do you machine grade 12 steel?

I've got an indermediate solution though that will allow me to get the heads bolted on and start messing with cam timing, and piston to valve clearance checks. With any luck by the end of this weekend there will be a crank with rods and pistons in the engine, and the heads bolted on.
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posted on October 13th, 2005 at 02:14 PM

This is impressive stuff, I am very interested to see how this motor runs.

If you cannot machine the bolts, have you thought about getting them ground. Grinding can take material off any thing though it is usally a bit pricy... Just an idea that may help you out

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posted on October 22nd, 2005 at 10:21 PM

Another update. I've finally got one of the two heads bolted on. This is the easy side done. The head studs on the left side of the engine are more complicated due to the cylinder offset. With any luck i'll get that side done tomorrow.

Ran out of time today on account for going to the local 1/8 mile drags.

Anyway, here's some pics. I'm only using 4 head studs for the mock up, but the final will use 6 like a normal subaru. They are 12mm HT and will end up being torqued to abotu 35ft-lb.

The two center and two front main bolts will be removed and longer studs fitted that will further strengthen the stud adapter plates. I'm toying with the idea of running thru studs on the center mains after i have the engine running once.

Check the size of the intake ports on the heads. They are about the same size as the intakes on competition eliminator heads and have room for porting too. The exhausts are 1.75" in diameter.


[ Edited on 22-10-2005 by iswinkels ]
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posted on October 23rd, 2005 at 09:09 PM

Well both cylinder heads are on now and its looking pretty good. The stud adapter plates came out quite well but I need to adjust part of the design so they clear certain sections of the case more easily.

I'll be geting one more set of plates machined before the engine goes together in its final form so it can be started. As it is at the moment it will allow me to install rods, pistons etc, and check the piston to valve clearances.

Here's a pic of the exhaust ports, close on 2" output size, so easily good for 8000 RPM.

One last pic.

Next on the list is to order a set of scat 5.7" rods with 3/8th rod bolts. I can then machine the barrels to restore the deck height to about 0.040".

The project is going to be on hold for a few weeks now because i'll be re-assembling my car after picking it up from the spray painters this wednesday with any luck. Be prepared for some tastey updates being posted for that too.

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posted on November 12th, 2005 at 09:19 PM

WOW!! The things that some people do in their spare time.

I have no doubt that Drs.Porsche, Fuhrmann and Pieche would be suitable impressed, although they may miss the point.
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posted on November 13th, 2005 at 09:36 PM

motor p0rn !!!!!

nice stuff Mr Swinkles, good to see progress being made and thanks very much for the close up photos - illustrates the system very well.
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posted on November 13th, 2005 at 11:56 PM

With any luck the 5.7" h beam conrods arrive this week, so next sunday it will start getting really serious. The complete bottom end build up, and then the fun part of working out the camshaft timing and piston valve pocket notching.
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posted on November 14th, 2005 at 07:16 AM


Will it be injected or carbies..If you ran a high rise wrx manifold and stepped it back a touch it would probably fit over the back of the Porchse fan shroud. Although I am sure you have pondered this as well whilst trying to get to sleep. Really nice work!

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posted on November 14th, 2005 at 08:21 AM

Induction is the least of my concerns for the moment, but long term I'd like to see a set quad 50mm throttle setup with direct port injection. Wibble's got a bunch of webbers and an old vertex magneto lying around though, so the'll most likely be whats on it when its started the first time.
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posted on November 14th, 2005 at 01:22 PM

I was just looking at the timing belt set-up. Do you think you have enough angle of belt wrap on the exhaust cam pulleys? I'd be worried it would jump at high rpm which would be expensive.

you might need some more idlers...

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posted on November 14th, 2005 at 01:28 PM

Your absolutely correct. There will be more angle being put into it once the last of the machining is done. The cylinders need to be machined down about 12mm each side to allow them to insert deep into the steel head stud plate. This will give me about 2" more belt to wrap further around pullys.
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posted on November 14th, 2005 at 04:33 PM

dare I ask, but what is the odds of you producing a kit? If so, what sort of bucks would it be?

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posted on November 14th, 2005 at 04:44 PM

If it works I suppose its possible. All I have now are the autocad plans for the parts I've designed.

As for making the parts again, alas the machining company I am working for has gone broke and sold most of their assets, including the CNC machine. So I can't get prototype parts made for free anymore. Much of it can be waterjet cut though and all shops that can waterjet cut accept autocad drawings.

We'll see how this works out. If it does work, and it proves to be a reliable option to convert to wrx heads, and there is sufficent interest who knows.

As a kit i'd want to get the cam pullies fully CNC machined as single piece components, which will be fairly expensive.

There is quite a lot i've learned already so far though. For example using 92mm bores would be a sweet solution because they could be bored to accept WRX forged ARIES pistons that are already pocketed for the 4 valves. I'm going to have to notch my own valve pockets in the 94's, or order some wiseco's. For the prototype i'll probably notch to 0.140" and then run a decent deck height to keep things safe. So long as it runs there is always room for fine tuning later.
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posted on December 12th, 2005 at 06:07 PM

Hey Ian any progress on this?
we are waiting with great anticipation

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posted on December 20th, 2005 at 05:56 PM

Mr Swinkles,

In the mad rush of the silly season have you had a chance to work on this work of automotive art ?

in other words....

got an update ?


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