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[ Total Views: 764 | Total Replies: 4 | Thread Id: 47028 ]
Author: Subject:  which radiators should work better, new or old?
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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posted on December 16th, 2005 at 08:34 AM
which radiators should work better, new or old?

ok, since i am always being different, and since my exhaust runs down the centre of my bay kombi, i cannot fit my radiator where i wanted to in the middle of the chassis like other bay kombi subi conversions. as an alternative i am planning to run 2 small rads, one on either side of the main chassis rails, betwen the rail and the edge of the body (see dodgy paint diagram). i have been scouring wrecking yards for radiators and have found 3 options, my question is which will be the most effective radiator? the first is what i believe will be the worst, the thin and flimsy looking radiators from the diahatsu miras and similar, which are the perfect dimensions, but about 1/2 the thickness of a standard radiator. the size would seem an advantage to me but i cant imagine the thin little rads would cope. the next 2 are the ones i am tosing up between. there are the radiators out of the suzuki swifts/holden barinas that are also the perfect width but have a more normal thickness, i assume these will be better then the super thin diahatsus? and then i found the rads in the old austin freeways, they are super thick, are already setup on the side of the engine bay with an enclosed fan attached to them, they draw through a louvre on the body and have fins that are super close together, the only downside is that they are an inch too wide. in my mind these would be the best, but what do you think? should the newer ones be as good? or better then the almost purpose built older ones?

Reimagined/Recycled/Upcycled Cool
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posted on December 16th, 2005 at 08:35 AM

oops forgot the diagram

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posted on December 16th, 2005 at 09:06 AM

The older radiators would be copper and the new ones aluminium with plastic tanks. Maybe?

One of the reasons radiators are thinner these days is the material and fin design is much more efficient, and they are able to make them thinner.

I would say go with the twin swift radiators.

Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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posted on December 16th, 2005 at 09:09 AM

cool, thats about what i thought, the main temptation of the austin ones was that they were setup for a very similar application to what i had planned.

Reimagined/Recycled/Upcycled Cool
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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posted on December 16th, 2005 at 01:12 PM

got a pair of swift ones, fit nicely, and after taking a bit of a look i reckon i will get better air flow on these side ones then on 1 central one, as i can use the outer side as well as the rear to let the air out.

Reimagined/Recycled/Upcycled Cool

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