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Author: Subject:  cheap spray
Casual Dubber

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posted on June 7th, 2006 at 07:38 AM
cheap spray

hey Guys,
Been checking out your site for a while and thought it was time to post.

Just looking at buying a car (not a vw :o ) and wondering if anyone can reccommend a company in melbourne that does a descent cheap spray job. Not looking at a show finish just something to cover up the original paint as it is looking shabby.

(its a 73 mini panel van)

I browe various mini sites but you guys seem alot more into customization and are alot larger than most other sites.

p.s i did a search and couldnt find anything

[ Edited on 6-6-2006 by floss ]
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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 08:28 AM

Hi David, I'm not from Melbourne so can't help out....hopefully some others on here will be able to give you some advice though.

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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 08:50 AM

I have to be totally honest here and say that I cannot recommend anywhere to do a decent cheap spray job. I don't believe it exists sorry.

I don't recommend McDonalds hamburgers either.

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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 06:51 PM

Does that mean all paint jobs are expensive? If it does not exist would that not mean that everyone charges the same amount?
I dont mean that I want to buy some guy a slab and get a show stopping paint job just a descent job that is a good price.
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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 07:42 PM

Slab = Show stop paint job is very extreme.

Expect at least $2000 for a decent job. That is actually what you would class as cheap.

Anything less and I personally don't class it as a spray job, but that is my opinion.

I put that type of work in more of a 'blow over' category, where you must expect some rust to return within a year, and problems such as peeling, crazing, cracking or blisters to occur within 2 years, sometimes within months. Just trying to help you avoid disappointment. You will forget a high price, but you wont forget a poor job.

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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 08:21 PM

euro paint do a straight 2pac paint for $599(i think)
dents are extra

they are in bayswater/scoresby area

[ Edited on 8-6-06 by jnr356 ]
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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 08:34 PM

Acme Aircooled does a pretty neat job at the right price. trying to book mine in next week.

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posted on June 8th, 2006 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Hertz
Acme Aircooled does a pretty neat job at the right price. trying to book mine in next week.

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posted on June 9th, 2006 at 12:02 PM

Geez $599 is cheap. gotta wonder about the quality of workmanship though?
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posted on June 9th, 2006 at 12:21 PM

the 2 words CHEAP n PAINT dont go together

theres no such thing If you want to spend less money do the job yourself

If your going to a panel shop then be prepared to pay

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posted on June 9th, 2006 at 01:30 PM

It's a little like the old adage of "cheap, fast and reliable" when referring to cars. You can only ever have two of them (ie. cheap and fast but not and reliable but not cheap....etc).

I guess what a few others have referred to above is what you consider "Decent". Cheap and good don't often go together when referring to a car respray....if decent you mean minimal prep work, no panel repairs (esp no rust), average paint quality etc, then you may be able to find someone to do it cheap and "decently".

It is all relative, I paid close to $100/L for base coat for my car (bought 6L because of body off respray but still have ~1-2L left)....add clear on top of that, then primer and miscellaneous consumables and you can get up to $800 just in materials for a "good" job.

Not trying to have a go, just providing a bit of insight from a DIY'ers point of view! :tu:

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posted on June 9th, 2006 at 01:41 PM

i have a local panel beater that has quoted $3000 for inside and out (same colour as what is on it). I asked for a finish that would be durable as the car would be driven often and not garaged. I have to prepare it for him and take EVERYTHING off the car so that he has free access to all of it. There is only a tiny bit of body work that he has to do on the bonnet edge up near the windscreen.
Then i get the bits back all painted and have to reassemble it.

i agree with what others have said on here... cheap, good paint job just dont mix.
Before i found this place i had been quoted over $8000 in preperation work alone... needless to say i did not even ask what the paint job would cost.
Other places ranged from $6000 - $10000

see.... air and water do mix ;)

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posted on June 9th, 2006 at 10:37 PM

hey thanks all,
I think 2000 is a good price. I have been quoted crazy prices from some places. one place said 6000 and another 10000.
2000 is exceptable if they do a descent job i wouldnt even mind if i had to do some of the prep at that price.

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posted on June 12th, 2006 at 12:51 PM

David if you find a place to do a full respray for $2000 let me know, I have been looking around Melbourne for months and havnt had a quote that good.

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