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Author: Subject:  KUBELWAGEN replica


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posted on July 20th, 2012 at 10:55 PM

DEAR GOD !! I have found my new desire !!!:smirk:
Learner Dubber

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posted on September 20th, 2012 at 06:54 PM

Thats awesome, id like to build something along those lines, with a touch of Sand Rail...
the modern alloy one a few posts would be idea, but as a hard top!
Insano Dub Head


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posted on September 30th, 2012 at 09:14 PM

Nice work, very impressive.

Just out of interest (because I can't afford one anyway) what does one of these complete body kits run at? Something ready to bolt onto a beetle chassis.

There was a guy who had built a 99.9% accurate replica kubel, used to live in Brisbane at The Gap, back when I was last into VWs (early 1990's). I think his name was Gerry from memory, maybe some of the members here know him or know of him. I believe from memory it was left hand drive (I could be wrong) and had all the gear, gun mounted in the middle and everything, was pretty spot on. He also had an oval beetle that had been converted to a split and painted to look like a WW2 staff car, he would stand with the cars wearing german uniform.

When I bought my first beetle back when I was 15 I wanted to build a kubel hence my research led me to this guy. Not sure if he is still around but used to be in the VW club in Brissy.
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posted on March 14th, 2013 at 06:13 PM

very nice work when are the kits going to be available in oz and price rage?

if it aint rusty it aint mine
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posted on November 13th, 2016 at 12:53 PM

Any updates?
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