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Author: Subject:  Electrical's ..... suck
A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 2nd, 2012 at 01:27 PM

Not a clue what the cause was, it doesn't appear recent. I'll throw a fuse in to be safe. .

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A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 2nd, 2012 at 07:11 PM

Ok. As a result of all the advice and assistance I now have functional head/tail lights, thanks all.

Next electrical problem. Hazards work, indicators and wipers do not. Indicator switch needs replacing or something simpler?

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posted on January 2nd, 2012 at 07:54 PM

Check fuse 10 & 12 first.

Is there anything else, brake lights, fuel guage etc

I read it on samba, so it must be correct.

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A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 2nd, 2012 at 08:49 PM

Fuses 10 & 12 are good. Fuel gauge is good. Not sure about brake lights, I am waiting for a replacement brake line to arrive so don't have a complete circuit. I assume that it needs the pressure of a complete circuit to activate the switch?

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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 01:45 AM

Have you downloaded the samba diagram to assist you trace things?

If hazards work all 4 corners then tis something to do with the switch. Find the black/green/white wire going into the switch and jumper it to the battery with a 5amp inline fuse to the battery. Now try each direction on the switch and if no light permanently then switch is dead or left/right wires from switch aren't connected. If does work then feed from flashed relay to switch is faulty.

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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 08:12 AM

I have both a test lamp and a multimeter.

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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 08:18 AM

Purchase the correct manual for your car with the apropriate wiring diaghram.
A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 08:51 AM

I've downloaded the wiring diagram from The Samba and also have the Bentley handbook. The bulk of the wiring appears to match the diagrams but there have been quite a few modifications, not all great. I was really just seeking confirmation of where it is most likely that the failure is occurring so that I start looking there.

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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 10:04 AM

Originally posted by vwo60
Purchase the correct manual for your car with the apropriate wiring diaghram.

Easier said than done.

I read it on samba, so it must be correct.

Sometimes Volkswagen dealers sell spare parts. Amazing isn't it!:lol:
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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 10:32 AM

Pick a suitable earth for your test lamp/meter.
Put ignition on

Put positive side to fuse 12
Should light.

Put positive side to terminal 15 on hazzard switch Green
Should light

Put + side to term 49 on hazzard switch White (off position)
Should light

Put + side to term 49 on flasher relay White
Should light

Put + side to term 49a on flasher relay Blue (blinkers off)
Should light

Try the same for 49a on the hazzard switch Blue and Black/green/white.

I read it on samba, so it must be correct.

Sometimes Volkswagen dealers sell spare parts. Amazing isn't it!:lol:
A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 04:45 PM

Ran the recommended routine with the test lamp, light activated on all. Switch?

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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 05:56 PM

Put + side to term L on hazzard switch Black/White (off position)
Blinker switch Left, Ignition on
Should light

Put + side to term R on hazzard switch Black/Green (off position)
Blinker switch Right, Ignition on
Should light

I read it on samba, so it must be correct.

Sometimes Volkswagen dealers sell spare parts. Amazing isn't it!:lol:
A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 07:33 PM

Okay, progress and again it's a result of all the assistance, thanks again all. Better still I more or less understand what I was attempting to do, rather than just monkey see monkey do, so I learnt something in the process.

Jumped the connections in the socket that the turn signal switch group plug connects to. Successfully activated the horn, dipped headlights, activated left and right indicators and they flashed. Which I guess confirms that the switch is faulty.

Anyone got a spare for sale? How much should I expect to pay?

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posted on January 3rd, 2012 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by TorxKiwi
Fuses 10 & 12 are good. Fuel gauge is good. Not sure about brake lights, I am waiting for a replacement brake line to arrive so don't have a complete circuit. I assume that it needs the pressure of a complete circuit to activate the switch?

Just bridge the terminals at the switch.
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posted on January 4th, 2012 at 05:45 AM

If you have trouble sourcing the part in Oz give MegaBug in the UK a go. Used to be well stocked with working secondhand parts. Don't see why $30 won't get you a second hand one.

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A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on January 4th, 2012 at 07:47 AM

'All systems are go.' Thanks everyone.

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posted on January 13th, 2012 at 11:32 AM

Will this item crimp the standard flat male/female connectors used on vehicle electrics? I'm not sure what the numbers or type of connectors mean.
Or is this the type I need?

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A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on April 21st, 2012 at 11:03 AM

Okay. Took Sonny in for his roadworthy thinking I'd taken care of everything, how stupid was I.

1. Indicators are flashing at too fast a rate. Checked bulbs all are 12V 21W. I have wired in side mounted LED flashers which I have disconnected. Still flashing too quickly, as though a bulb is out. Same deal when using hazards. Could it be the relay?

2. Park lights aren't coming on, headlights go to low beam at first stage of two stage switch. I'll check the wiring to the secondary small bulbs.

3. I installed one of these exhaust systems 
Apparently he is now a bit obnoxious and too noisy. Stuffed a bit of steel wool into the tail pipes to shut him up. Should be fine to pass.

4. Drivers seat doesn't lock into the upright position ie: can be tipped forward without using the lever. I'll try and have a look at the mechanism and see if I can sort it or otherwise bolt it upright. :(

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posted on April 21st, 2012 at 01:14 PM

1. clean all earth connections as a rusty connector increases resistance and hence the faster flash rate. Heck clean all connectors from the flash relay onwards :)

2. sidelights use a pretty awful connection method. Check for 12v at sidelight positive feed. If this is OK then it's corrosion and earthing problems. I fitted modern sidelights with a dedicated earth wire.

3. that'll do :)

madness is in the eye of the beholder :yes:
A.k.a.: Dean Newell
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posted on April 22nd, 2012 at 04:40 PM

Replaced relay, indicators now all okay. Think I fried it when fixing earlier problem that required replacing lever/switch.

Park lights fixed. Both bulbs needed replacing but wiring had once again been 'spaghetti'd' to all hell. Fixed a couple of mis-wired circuits and all is now fine.

Steel wool shoved up both tail pipes. Silenced sufficiently to pass inspection. Will pull it out afterwards.

Bolted seat in upright position, rear seat access via passenger door only which is fine.

Fingers crossed that the pedantic bastard doesn't find anything else!! At least I can be certain that it is absolutely roadworthy.

"Ownership of a Beetle is not a destination it is a journey."

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