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[ Total Views: 427 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 101391 ]
Author: Subject:  73 super irs
Commited Dubber


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posted on March 28th, 2013 at 10:03 PM
73 super irs

Im wrecking this and need to know how to get the gear box out and what i need to keep for an irs conversion.
I have not worked on irs before,any advice would be of help,thankyou
A.k.a.: Lee Noonan
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posted on March 28th, 2013 at 10:16 PM

to start with, You will need to undo all the bolts holding the constant velocity joints onto the axle and gearbox.....
these are usually allen keyed or splined...
or can even be a mixture of both...

You will need the special tool to undo the splined bolts.
First.. make sure the splines or allen keyed holes are empty of dirt etc... otherwise You can wreck the splines...
and then its very difficult to undo those hardened bolts...

The engine must be removed- and the rear mounts or the two Large bolts undone.... facing the rear...
and the front gearbox mount must be undone along with the gearshifter connector under the oval plate under the back seat..

someone else can help with the IRS...

converting a swing axle to IRS isn't an easy job...


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