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[ Total Views: 1387 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 15424 ]
Author: Subject: solvent boil???
A.k.a.: johnathon cooper
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posted on November 5th, 2003 at 08:59 PM
solvent boil???

anyone heard of solvent boil?? and is it a real issue?? i just paint my square in yellow acrylic...its dry...i pressed my hand in it...
i also painted while it was extremely hot today...and then left it out in the i put an old doona over the car...then a lightweight blue tarpoleon over the top...will it affect paint?


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posted on November 6th, 2003 at 09:12 AM

Solvent boil is caused by putting too much paint on too quick. Solvent is trapped underneath the dry top layer and little bubbles can 'pop' looking like the paint has boiled.

It is hard to say if the doona and tarp will affect the paint as there are too may uncertainties and variables.

Brand of paint, temperature of paint when applied, pressure, spraygun, action used when applying, amount of thinners, number of coats, thickness of coats.

I cannot say it will not affect the paint.

A.k.a.: johnathon cooper
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posted on November 7th, 2003 at 01:01 PM

thanks hellbus...the paint is yellow 770 spraygun...and it was very hot while i was spraying...actually, i had trouble sanding the roof because it was soo hot...couldnt keep my hand on the roof for longer than 3 seconds...


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