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[ Total Views: 434 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 33644 ]
Author: Subject: Kombis on the Hume!
A.k.a.: Aurel Griesser
Insano Dub Head

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posted on January 4th, 2005 at 11:26 AM
Kombis on the Hume!

A big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere.

I mean, hey I saw quite a few nice busses dakkin along the Hume, heading north, a few days ago. Mmmm, three quite close to eachother, near Goulburn. I was heading south.

Also, north of Sydney, there was a red one, white roof I think, maybe a camper, which seemed to be having some issues. This was on the 30th, coming through the hilly highway leading into Sydney from the North. Hope he/she made it to wherever they were going.

Oh, I thought I was mistaken, but does anyone know of a splitbus sitting in the countryside near ... Goulburn? Or, a split beetle near Gundagui?

Cheers dudes.

(Oh, and I forgot the dude with the bullet split in Wisemans Ferry, and the four other dubs he seems to own!)

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