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[ Total Views: 557 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 37555 ]
Author: Subject: Standard Fuel Tank
Commited Dubber


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posted on April 12th, 2005 at 10:07 PM
Standard Fuel Tank

My Taipan buggy has the fuel tank mounted behind the passenger compartment just in front of the engine. After a recent tarmac motorkhana the filler tube started to leak. When I tried to tighten the clamp I managed to dump a litre or so of fuel straight onto one of the (cold) cannons. Needless to say this would have been enough to ruin a perfectly serviceable pair of underpants had it hit a hot engine. Anyway......what fuel tanks will fit in under the nose of a buggy, and how the f*%k am I going to get the fuel pipe back through the tunnel! Can I fit a standard dub tank under the front of a low nose like the Taipan or should I just use a racing fuel cell?

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