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Author: Subject:  Beach buggy Red Gel Coat ?
A.k.a.: Sez
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buggy.gif posted on March 20th, 2006 at 05:47 AM
Beach buggy Red Gel Coat ?


Does anyone know that shiny red glittery colour that people usually spray there buggies with?

Is it a different type of paint or is it 2 pac/acrylic?
Does it require any clear?

I'm looking at spraying my buggy soon and would like it to stand out as much as possible


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posted on March 20th, 2006 at 05:49 AM

try talking to a boat builder or fibreglasser if you gett a chance as they use it all the time. from memory its a like a 2 pac

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posted on March 20th, 2006 at 06:07 AM

Sez Its in the gel coat from memory its metal flake and applied to the body when laying up the fibreglass or first gel coat.

You can get it in paint nowdays but i dont know how thay apply it

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posted on March 21st, 2006 at 06:28 AM

Thanks, I'll keep asking around

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posted on March 21st, 2006 at 01:31 PM

I think your talking about Metal flake paint.There is varing size of metal flakes from fine(small) to course(very big).You can also get nubers,alphabet and star shaped metal flakes!You have to have a spray gun with a very big hole in or use a putty type gun.Also stick a marble in the pot so you can keep the metal flakes agitated as they are heavy and sink.(you have to give the pot a shake evey 20- 30 seconds.)
Any custom paint shop should be able to hook you wit some.Its popular with ski boats.
Hope this helps.
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posted on March 21st, 2006 at 01:41 PM

PPG paint have these sorts of finishes available. Get on the net, locate your nearest PPG outlet, ring them to confirm they have the colour chips for you to look at, and go and have a look. I have a friend who works in marketing for PPG Head office and she showed me the latest range chips about 8 months ago and the flakes were all in there also.

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posted on March 21st, 2006 at 02:12 PM

Best results are from using a silver flake with a candy over the top for the colour.

Be prepared for many many coats of clear!
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posted on March 22nd, 2006 at 05:51 AM

I ended up going into a paint shop yesterday after work who deal with PPG Paints, and had a chat with them for a while. I had a look at there colour chips and they showed/ told me all about metal flakes and it was excactly what you guys have just mentioned, except you can either mix it in with the paint or you can just spray it ontop. I have changed my mind about the colour now as i found a sexy new colour that just came out which pretty much has a metal flake like effect. It will cost me $1000 for paint,primer and clear, which is a bit dear but i am hoping that one of my mates will be able to get it for me a bit cheaper.

I fell in love with the new candy colours, but didnt want to be spending $1k per L ! for a car that i am still going to take offroad no matter what

The paint shop had no idea of what a gel coat even was, but they explained that what i was talking about was basically the metal flake effect.

Now just trying finding someone to spray it. I went to a smash repairs at wetherill park that i was referred to, and had a sweet looking beetle out the front with a Club Vee Dub sticker on the window (mate of Bob Hickmans - he claims). So i'm awaiting his phone call today/tomorrow to recieve his quote and if i'm happy with it, he will be the one. Still deciding if i should prep it or not...

Hoping to have her ready for Valla this year

Thanks for the responses again

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posted on March 22nd, 2006 at 07:58 AM

Glad it all worked out for you. :)

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