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Author: Subject:  KO 606
Slammed & Awesome Dubber

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posted on April 2nd, 2008 at 09:08 AM
KO 606

I decided to start this thread - seeing I have throughly hi-jacked Craig's.


Firstly, thanks for hosting the photos!

The previous owner decided to clean up the paint work a little but the colours didn't match. I have intentions of repainting next year (hopefully).

The roof is a local (read Toowoomba, Qld) version based on the factory roof. There are a few more clips than original, the zips are stronger and now have storm flaps. The material is marine grade and won't shrink as much as the lesser material, which also wasn't available with a white cotton base. The roof was stitched twice as the maker discovered the Buggy wasn't square - the vinyl must be taut all over.

The original engine recently expired - I intend to rebuild this soon. The replacement 1600 engine pushes the car along very well.

A previous owner fitted coil-over shock absorbers - this increases the ground clearance and resists rear axle tuck-under but at the expense of axle travel - the car isn't heavy enough to make the suspension work properly.

All-in-all a great car!

Bye-the-bye Bill, maybe we should organise a CB owners cap/jacket/sticker or similar. What are your thoughts?

regards to all


2014 Skoda Octavia Elegance 110Tdi sedan
1968 VW Country buggy (KO 606)
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posted on April 2nd, 2008 at 07:58 PM


Pics are pretty easy. Since your's are web based photos, when you are composing here at AVD, just click the image icon above the composition window and paste the URL into the pop up window that appears....and voila, it works!

I like the paint's very unique. No mistaking who this CB belongs to once you see it. ;)

The Toowoomba Trimmer/Stitcher/Upholsterer did an amazing job, IMO. He needs to be complimented. Tell him a bloke from half way around the world noticed and very much admires the work.
Nathan (BUGBOY) will probably have some interst in this as well, seeing as how he has been working on soft top frames and top fabrication too.
See: CB Canvas roofs 

You are fortunate to have the original motor. Many expired and were lost long ago unfortunately.

"All-in-all a great car!"
It sure looks like it!!!
How long have you had the CB, where did you find it, and how much did you give for the Buggy?

"maybe we should organise a CB owners cap/jacket/sticker or similar"........Now there's an idea!!! :tu:

Fine tuning the proper daily ratio of Maxwell House to Bacardi 151.........

* Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia !
Slammed & Awesome Dubber

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posted on April 11th, 2008 at 10:12 AM
Buggy KO 606


Factual history on these cars is sometimes sketchy. I understand that my buggy was sold in Cairns (North Queensland) and spent most of its life on a farm. It was subsequently sold and relocated to the Gatton area (still Queensland) where it sat in storage for 9 years. A friend of mine, in Towoomba, rang me after he found it for sale again. We did a deal for me to purchase it ready to drive. I used it as a daily driver!

We have since relocated to the bayside area in Brisbane - the buggy is now an occasional driver otherwise it is (happily) garaged. Bill, please note the change for the Register, please.

The buggy had coil-over shock absorbers fitted as well as a rudimentary roll-cage - this I removed after buying it as it was more dangerous with than without. The shock absorbers appear to work well - I haven't found bad to drive apart from the suspension bottoming out as the buggy isn't heavy enough to make the shock absorbers work properly. Finding softer (?) springs would help or maybe a couple of bags of cement! Maybe I don't drive it hard enough.



2014 Skoda Octavia Elegance 110Tdi sedan
1968 VW Country buggy (KO 606)

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