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[ Total Views: 982 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 71312 ]
Author: Subject:  Nowhere to put fuel condensation hose!
A.k.a.: Tristan
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posted on August 25th, 2008 at 09:38 AM
Nowhere to put fuel condensation hose!


I just replaced the rather wrecked dual solexes on my 1800 type4'd van. Besides a lot of planning out how to reroute things it was pretty straightforward.

The only issue I have left is that fuel vapour line. I have nowhere to put it. the Scat air filter doesn't allow for it.

Are there brass flange or barb hose connectors available with a thread and nut on the other side? Ie something that can be clamped in to a metal surface.

I was thinking if they are I could just sink a hole into the top of the air filter cover, attach the connector and put the hose on.

What do other people do?

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