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Author: Subject:  Interior Air Vents
Seriously Crusin Dubber


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question.gif posted on March 18th, 2011 at 07:42 PM
Interior Air Vents

Putting a Headliner in the Bug next month but was wondering whether to replace the air vents along the back window. They weren't in the last headliner i removed but thought they were put there for a reason, "Flow through air". However i noticed there are 8 slots where they only sell them in sets of 6, and that there seems to be a series of clips, maybe for upholstery along them ? Am i missing sumthing ? Whats the go with this ?
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posted on March 18th, 2011 at 07:49 PM

its a 71 super isnt it.
they are an oddity to themselves. the 8 vents were fitted to a one year model.

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Seriously Crusin Dubber


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posted on March 18th, 2011 at 08:06 PM

Yes it is a 71 super, photo isnt of mine, but it is exactly the same shown... Know anything about it ? do i need 8 vents plus what are the clips for ?
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posted on March 18th, 2011 at 08:17 PM

As Barls said 71 Beetles were a 1 year only deal and had a single alien like plastic vent thing which fell apart after 3 mins in the sun.

Mine had remnants of them when I bought the car but replacement ones were never made, not enough demand I guess but someone in the US has made fibreglass copies of them.
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posted on March 18th, 2011 at 08:24 PM

Yes quite strange, and unappealing on the eye actually. First time I've actually seen it. So Joel, yours also had a defogger on the window, is that original?
Guess i wont be putting them back in then, the 6 vent style looks alot better IMHO
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posted on March 19th, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Our 71 Super had them, and I got replacement ones from a guy in Canada. I paid him by Paypal, and they arrived about 5 days later. The fit pretty good, and they are made of fibreglass, and I painted them with 2 pack paint, so they wont UV disintegrate again.

Part of the flow through air. The air gets sucked out there, and it would assist in defogging, as it would create airflow near the back window.

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info.gif posted on March 20th, 2011 at 12:39 AM

I remember reading where they weren't available
a few years ago... and the sun makes them brittle
and they disintergrate ....

many get covered over and the crescent vents on the out side filled over... as they are a rust hazard....

Mexican beetles didn't have them either,,,


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