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Author: Subject:  clutch problems
Learner Dubber

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posted on May 13th, 2011 at 11:51 AM
clutch problems

hey there, have never posted here before, fear I will sound stupid as my mechanical knowledge is limited, but I am learning and enjoying it!
Anyway, I drive a 69 beetle, it had a 1500 in it but it did a piston so my father in law (my usual vw mechanic) put in a 1600 twin port of his so I can drive while my engine is re-cond.
My problem is that my car has started shuttering, it does it through all gears(though havent noticed it particularly in reverese) it is mostly when it is building revs or working hard like up hill, but pretty constant and more so in first two. My father in law is currently over seas and wont be back for at least 2 weeks and this car is my daily drive. It starts well and drives ok, just shutters. I am wanting to take it in for diagnosis and repairs, after reading through the complete idiots guide, I think it could be the fly wheel and gland nut, my partner said not to mention this when I take it in as it is an expensive job being that the engine will have to be removed and new parts purchased plus labour.
The car also makes a rubbing squeaking noise when taking off in first from nuetral though not often, which also makes me think its the flywheel, but again I could be way off!

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what else it could be?

Also do you think this sounds like an expensive job at a mechs? I cant really do any work on it myself as I am pregnant so am quite stuck, unless I wait until my father in law returns and organise transport for work until then, I also worry he may get upset that I allow mechanics he does not know to work on his engine that he has had in the family in several different vehicles for about 20 years!

Any advice appreciated!
Thanks for your help in my pickle!
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posted on May 13th, 2011 at 12:29 PM

could be the rear main seal leaking oil on to the clutch, it does mean the engine needs to come out for that one.
could also be an ignition problem,

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posted on May 13th, 2011 at 02:19 PM

What was it in before... Do you know the condition of the engine... being a mechanic he would have noticed a problem if severe??? I would start with a simple solution, but not being able to look at it...
Someone in Melbourne might put their hand up to help you out??? Maybe post your suburb.

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