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Ben Hal Outlaw Bushranger


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posted on June 12th, 2011 at 09:49 AM
door question

Are '72 doors or the components inside interchangeable with '68 beetles?

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info.gif posted on June 12th, 2011 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by baghall
Are '72 doors or the components inside interchangeable with '68 beetles?

You can use any doors from 1968 to 1976 any model beetle

they all fit...

some doors ARE different Under the door card... but they ALL fit

I'm also presuming that the inner working parts are the same.

so, I would say YES...


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posted on June 14th, 2011 at 09:50 AM

All 68-76 fatchick doors will fit but there are some minor differences, all mainly cosmetic

68-70 doors have the chrome strip about 1/2" lower than 71 onwards, which is no big deal if you already have them shaved.
About 73 the indentation behind the door handle got smaller

68-72 have chrome inner door handles, 73 on have black plastic ones which are easily swapped.

68 is the only year which has the twin lift winder mechanisms which are better unit but pretty thin on the ground.
they use the same mounting points as the later ones.

Only other issue is the arm rest.
the 68-72 ones use a big hook to hold them to the door, 73 onwards dont have this hook and screw to the door instead.

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