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[ Total Views: 1623 | Total Replies: 32 | Thread Id: 49753 ]
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Author: Subject:  New "Formula Vee" Engine. 1st test run vid.
A.k.a.: Knob Jockey
Custom Title Time!
That really hurts doesnt it!


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posted on March 22nd, 2006 at 04:03 PM

Im right with you on this one.
however, the system falls down as there is a huge variation in time and money between different engines.
Given some guys build engines from older stuff and others do everything brand spankers.

if you could supply a pool of parts for the engines that are common to all then you can make this work.

The claiming rule solves most of the issues with guys unloading huge money into handgrenades!


Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....
A.k.a.: Michael
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posted on March 23rd, 2006 at 05:07 PM

It not just the part it’s the time and effort in matching them up and knowing how to screw the most out of what you’ve got. I know before the standard cams cam in it was common to match the cam gear to give you a little more back lash in order to change the timing. Pinson in up side down and all that, each little thing adds up too to vastly different engines.
A.k.a.: Knob Jockey
Custom Title Time!
That really hurts doesnt it!


Posts: 1171
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Registered: September 21st, 2003
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Location: Huon Valley SouthernTasmania
Theme: UltimaBB Psyche Blue
Mood: Moody!

posted on March 23rd, 2006 at 05:44 PM

hehehe absolutely.

With camshafts you can time the cam however you like now so long as its supplied by Wade with it's cam doctor report which is supplied to the engine sealer. Adjudtable gears, offset keys whatever.
The cam is specified by the FVAA not by CAMS.
Cams actually has nothing to do with the nuts and bolts of things other than rubber stamping any alterations,additions and so-on at Cams board level.
The entire thing is originally developed and administered by the FVAA


Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....
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