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[ Total Views: 1036 | Total Replies: 30 | Thread Id: 50192 ]
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Author: Subject:  scary experiences driving a bug
A.k.a.: Paul
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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posted on March 25th, 2006 at 10:39 PM

I was driving down the Princes Hwy south of Nowra about 7.00 one morning. Approaching me coming the other way from over the crest of a hill is a caravan. Then, from behind it this Falcon wagon starts to overtake it on double yellows....and it keeps coming towards me.

A few things go through my mind....jump on the brakes, brake slowly, hold my line, or go off into the gutter. I decide to jump on my brakes hold my line and start to flash my lights. Idiot Falcon driver still keeps on coming, and as I hold my line, drives the other side of me off into the dirt, pulls back onto the road, and then continues to overtake the caravan.

I say and quick prayer, and keep going. I thought about doing a u-turn and chasinng the prat and beating the crap out of him - but decided to make my destination.
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